Prepare for Age of Sigmar at Gamers Grove

Dragons clash with ghouls, swords strike the undead, and woodland magic is thwarted by expert wizards in Age of Sigmar! Join us at Gamers Grove for our 2024 Age of Sigmar league starting in January alongside our 40k League. From new players to experts, it’s open season!


In Age of Sigmar you choose one of many miniature armies to build, paint, and play with! Dragon flights, merfolk battalions, and tree-folk forests are just some of the cool armies you’ll see in our Age of Sigmar January league.

Getting Started in Age of Sigmar

Getting into Age of Sigmar (or Warhammer 40k) can be daunting. Trust me, I just got into it myself and it was a lot to wrap my head around. Don’t let that discourage you, though, because now I’m equipped to help out new players get into the hobby!

My first recommendation is to buy a bunch of six-sided dice and the Vanguard box set of whichever faction you find yourself drawn to. You may also ask around and see if any other players have models they don’t need for the army you’ve chosen. For me, this was the Sylvaneth tree lords (yes, I watched Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers too much as a kid, why do you ask?). For you maybe it is the spooky Nighthaunt spirits, the dark vampire lords of the Soulblight Gravelords, or the royal dragon riders of the Stormcast Eternals.

Vanguard boxes come with a roughly 500-point army which is a great starting point for the faction you’re getting into. From there, you can look up other models you might need and pick them up from us! We sell all of our models at a discount (roughly 10% off of the price you’d pay elsewhere) and can even special-order models for you within a week’s time.

Age of Sigmar Vanguard Boxes. Get Started for $119.00

All About The League

Leagues allow adults with busy lives to carve out a time to play that works for them. Each week we’ll post match pairings in our official Gamers Grove Discord server for both the Warhammer 40k and Ange of Sigmar leagues. Throughout the week, coordinate with your opponent to find the best day for you two to meet up at the shop and battle it out! We’ll do this for 6 weeks after which time store credit will be awarded to the top players.

For 40k and AoS league play we recommend army sizes of 2000 points. If you cannot reach that size, talk with your opponent to see if they’d be alright dropping down to 1500 or 1000. As long as you both agree, it’s all good!

Further, we’ll be awarding promotional swag to tables where both players have fully painted armies! Feel free to play with just plain plastic but we want to encourage players to bring their armies to life.  

As one final note, Gamers Grove is stocked with three fully functional wargaming tables which league matches will be played on.

Accessories You May Need

Warhammer is a multi-faceted game where you need to build and paint your models before playing with them. This means you need supplies for building and painting! Here at Gamers Grove we offer a wide array of models, glues, paints, primers, paint brushes, terrain material, and more! If you ever need advice for what you may be looking for always feel free to ask whoever is working at the front desk or hop in the #Questions channel of the Discord.

Wrapping Up

Now you know how to get into Age of Sigmar at Gamers Grove! I hope you’ll join us this January so we can get this wargaming party started. Thanks for reading and, as always, we’ll see you at the Grove.



EventWarhammerWarhammer age of sigmar